African Commission
The Coalition was granted observer status at the 44th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights which was held in Abuja, Nigeria from 10 to 24 November 2008. Coalition members use the sessions of the African Commission to conduct advocacy, organise discussions on the African Court, and publicise the work of the Coalition.
Members also meet with government representatives and participate in parallel civil society events on raising awareness on the African human rights system.

African Union
The Coalition conducts advocacy and lobbying on key issues relating to the African Court at the African Union and at country level.
Key areas of engagement include the nominations process, monitoring the enforcement of judgments, aspects relating to the functioning of the Court, universal ratification of the protocol establishing the African Court, ensuring greater access for individuals and NGOs to the African Court and the creation of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights.
Written submissions, attending AU Summits and the sessions of the African Court and the African Commission, attending AU meetings relating to the African Court of Justice and Human Rights and engaging with governments are some of the strategies adopted.

National Level
Focal Points, in addition to attending events at AU and African Commission level, will also attend summits and pre-summit civil society activities of the Regional Economic Communities in order to raise awareness on the African Court, to recruit members from the subregion and to raise key issues relating to the protection of human and peoples’ rights.
The Focal Points and member organisations develop and implement the activities and programmes of the Coalition in the sub-regions at national level.