Who can become a Member?
Individuals, Non-Governmental Organizations, National Human Rights Institutions, Law Society, Bar Association, Law Firm and Universities engaged and interested in the promotion and protection of human rights can become members of the Coalition
How to become a Member:
Only filled Coalition Membership Form will be processed by the Membership Sub-Committee in order to be granted a membership
The filled Coalition Membership Form has to be sent to the Coalition Secretariat.
Membership Fee
The annual membership fee is:
- US$ 100 for organizations
- US$ 50 for individuals
- Free for University Students
Failure of membership fees payment for 2 years gives the Executive Committee the power to exclude the member from the Coalition as member.
N.B: Members do not become liable for any of the obligations and liabilities of the Coalition solely by virtue of their status as members of the Coalition.
Current Members of the Coalition:
- Avocats Sans Frotieres- France
- Federation Internationale Des Ligues Des Droits De L’Homme (FIDH)- France
- Human Rights Monitor, 27 Dicey Avenue, Crickle Wood. London UK- London
- Cyrus Vance Centre of the New York City Bar ( new contact person)- USA
- Insaniya Foundation for Human Rights. Aga Efendi, Sedat semavi Sokak, Bakirkoy. Istanbul- Turkey
- Mr. Lukas Biedermann- Switzerland
- Mr. Cartes Rodríguez Juan Bautista- Spain
- RFK Human Rights-USA
North Africa
- Al Kalema Center for Human Rights- Egypt
- Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-violence Studies (AITAS)- Egypt
- Arab Awareness Centre for Rights and Law- Egypt
- Arab Centre for the Independence of the Judiciary and legal Profession- Egypt
- Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression- Egypt
- Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies – Egypt
- Almobadra Company for Studies and Consultation- Egypt
- Nazra for Feminist Studies/Women Human Rights Defenders program- Egypt
- Centre d’information et de Documentation sur les Droits de I’Enfant (CIDDEF)- Algeria
- Me Rached Barkache- Tunisia
- Reseau Unie pour e Development Humain, Nouvehlt – Mauritania
- Organisation Mauritanienne Contre l’Extremisme, NKII, P.O.BOX 228- Mauritania
- AMAPROD, Nouakchett- Mauritania
- Recours des Marginalises et Protection de l’Environment, Noudekchott- Mauritania
- Asociation pour le Developpement et la Promotion des Droits Humains (ADPDH) Nouakchett- Mauritania
- Ahmed Salem- Mauritania
- Shaik.Tahir Azzawi Charity Organisation, STACO, Coastal Road Zawia- Lybia
- Dr. Mohammed Al-Hoderi- Lybia
- Mr. Mohamed Moftan Edabbar- Lybia
- ONG Changement Social Bénin- Bénin
East Africa
- East Africa Law Society- Tanzania
- Human Rights Network (HURINET-U) -Kampala- Uganda
- International commission of Jurists- Kenya
- International Refugee Rights Initiative- Uganda
- Kenya Human Rights Commission- Kenya
- Legal and Human Rights Centre of Tanzania- Tanzania
- Nasredeen H Abdulbari- Sudan
- National Council with Persons with Disabilities- Kenya
- National Organisation for Legal Assistance- Tanzania
- Amolo Otiende- Kenya
- Pan African Lawyers Union- Tanzania
- Sudan Human Rights Monitor- Sudan
- Tanganyika Law Society- Tanzania
- Chacha Bhoke Murungu- Tanzania
- ACPDH-The Community Association for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights- Burundi
- Ms. Achieng Maureen Akena- Kenya
- Mr. Andrew Songa- Kenya
- Amnesty International – Kenya
- Ms.Salima Namusobya- Uganda
- Ms. Winfred Syombua- Kenya
- Mohamed Saed Hersi- Somalie
- Somalyland Lawyers Organisation(SOLLA)- Somalie
- Trans Nzoia Youth Sports ASS (TYSA)- Kenya
- Culture Radio- Burundi
- Humanitarian Action for Intergared Development (AHDI),- Burundi
- Coalition for Constitution Implementation(CCI)- Kenya
- Karamoja Development Forum,- Uganda
- Kyegegwa District Association of Deaf(KYEDAD)- Uganda
- People’s Movement for Human Rights Education (MPEDH)- Rwanda
- Tanzania Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA)- Tanzania
- Tanzania Association of the Disabled (TAD),- Tanzania
- Kanyarwanda – Rwanda
- Morogoro Press Club – Tanzania
- Network for Community Development (NCD)- Uganda
- African Youth Initiative Network- Uganda
- Dr. Horace Adjolohoun- Tanzania
- Informaction -KENYA
- African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) – Uganda
- Mr. Alphose Van- Tanzania
- Aatsa Atogho- Tanzania
- Dr. Michael Klode- Tanzania
- Mrs. Osai Ojigho- Kenya
- Center for Reproductive Rights, Morning Side Office -Nairobi, Kenya
- Hazina Tower, 7th Floor- Kenya
- Asha Rayn Foundation- Uganda
- Mr. Sukhdev Chhatbar- Tanzania
- Mr. Stephen Oola- Uganda
- Flaviana Charles- Tanzania
- Don Deya- Tanzania
- Pan African Legal Empowerment Initiatives- Tanzania
Mutungi Kithinji & Company Advocates – Nairobi, Kenya
Central Africa
- Action Contre L’Impunite Pour Les Droits Humains (ACIDH)- DRC
Association - Congolaise pour l’Accès a la Justice, Lubumbashi- DRC
- Association pour les Droits de I’homme et l’Univers Carceral (ADHUC) -Republique du Congo
- Centre des Droits de I’Homme et du Developpement- Congo
- Centre pour la Justice et la Reconciliation CJR- RD. Congo
- Centre pour la Promotion de la Democratie et le Defense des Droits de I’Homme CDDH, Libreville Gabon
- Paulette Oyane-Ondo- Gabon
- Réseau Cref, 5080,Av Basila,Commune de Goma, République Démocratique du Congo- DRC
- Voix des Sans Voix pour les droits de l’homme- DRC
- Yav & Associates- DRC
- Alain Tolmo -Central Africa Repblic
- Rostand Freyssinet Banzeu- Cameroon
- Cabinet Ngulungu & Associes- DRC
- Kazadi Kabimba – DRC
- Ordre national des Avocats, Rez de chaussee- immeuble Flamboyant, kinshasa/gombe- DRC
- Nicole Odia – K. RDC
- Me. Jean Marie Bokanga- DRC
- Me Audifax Mutiri- RDC
- Initiative pour les Défenseurs des Droits de L’Homme (IDDH), Av. Le Marinel No.6 MM Marinela 2, Nivean, loc. 05 Gombe, Kinshasa- DRC
- Forum de la Femme Managére (FORFEM), DRC
- Communauté pour la Promotion des Humains (CPH), R.D- Congo
- Paix et Droits de l’Homme Aujourd’ hui (PDHA), R.D- Congo
- Observatoire Centrafricain des Droits de I’ Homme (OCDH) Rep. Centrafricaine (RCA)
- Liga International de Defense dos Dintos Humanos (LIDDHA) – Angola
- Réseau des Défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Centrale (REDHAC) – Cameroun
- Kyomba Tambwe Fidele- DRC
- Action pour les Droit Humaims et la gouvernance Democratique et Economique. – DRC
- Action Large des Femmes Avocates(ALFA).- DRC
- Institu des Droits del’Homme(IDH).- DRC
- Justicia ASBL,- DRC
- Deogracias Interntionale ONGD, – DRC
- Les Amis de Nelson Mandela Pour la Défense des Droits Humains (ANMDH)- DRC
- Centre d’Aide Juridico-Judiciaire,- DRC
- Barreau de Lubumbashi- DRC
- Kuboya Wa Tshipama Jean Pierre- DRC
- Reseau des journalistes Camerounais pour les Institutions Panafricaines (RECIF)- Cameroun
- Justice Plus- DRC
- Fondation Congolaise pour la Promotion des Droits Humains et la Paix(FOCDP)- DRC
- Guylain Amani Kibadu- DRC
- Amis des Simon Kimbangu pour les Drois Humains,- DRC
- Groupe Lufalanga pourla Justice et la Paix(GLJP)- DRC
- ONG. Congo en Images (CIM)- DRC
- Centre d’Education et de Recherche pour les Droits des Femmes- DRC
- Association des Femmes Province Oriental(AFEM)- DRC
- Emmanuel Lubala Mugisho- DRC
- Association des Femmes Juristes de Maniema( AFEJU)- DRC
- Association des Femmes Juristed de Kisangani- DRC
- Filles et Femmes en action pour la promotion, la protection et la defense de Droits Humains en Single ( FIFADH)- DRC
- Action Jeunes RDC- DRC
- Ms. Hibo Mohamud Mehad
- Campange pour les Droits de Lhomme au Congo, 11A, av du Marche, commune Gombe- DRC
- Marc Omari Mutondo- DRC
- Marie Joel Awenze Kalume- DRC
- Velentin Makidi Kombe- DRC
- Mme. Marie Blandine Essanga Bolenda Isola- DRC
- Pierre Ebbe Monga- DRC
- Association des Magistrats pour la Promotion du Droit au Proces Equitable, P.O box 1694 Kinshasa 1- DRC
- Alliance pour l’Universalite des Droits Foundementaux, YMCA- 4 Kasabuvu, Kinshasa- DRC
- Vanon Kapita Tshibuyi- DRC
- Marie Louise Okako- DRC
- Merline Tuasaulua- DRC
- Mme. Irene Meta Lubika- DRC
- Daniel Muhemedi Ramazan- DRC
- Roger Thoto Maluma- DRC
- Vincent Wembolua- DRC
- Erick Kassango Kalonji
- Joseph Dunia- DRC
- ONG Samba Mwanas- Gabon
- Cameroon Youths and students Forum for Peace ( CAMYOSFOP)- Cameroon
- Reseau Africain pour l’Education au Development Durable- Cameroon
- Rodrigue Tasse Motsou -Cameroon
- Dr Timothee Fomegang- Cameroon
- Estelle Carine Gassi Matago- Cameroon
- Patricia Tshizanga- Cameroon
- Ms. Epse Musongong Ndifon Cecilia Eneck- Cameroon
- Initiative for Peace and Human Rights (IPeace)- DRC
- ONG Construisons Ensemble le Monde- DRC
- Me. Juvenal Djende Okitambudi-RDC
- Me. Christian Fazili Mihigo-RDC
- M. Roméo Mbengou-Republique du Congo
- Juge Ella Ngono Emouemeth-Republique du Congo
- Mlle. Kilongozi Serafine- DRC
West Africa
- Alliances for Africa- Nigeria
- Association des Femmes Juriste-Cote d’Ivoire
- Avocats sans Frontiereres-Senegal- Senegal
- Civil Resource Development & Documentation Centre (CIRDDOC)- Nigeria
- Coalition for Eastern Non- Governmental Organisation (CENGOS)- Nigeria
- Centre for Democracy & Development (CDD)- Nigeria
- Global Health and Awareness Research Foundation (GHARF)- Nigeria
- Agbenu Doe- Ghana
- HURILAWS- Nigeria
- Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA)- The Gambia
- Legal Defence and Assistance Project- Nigeria
- Mouvement Ivorien de Droits Humains (MIDH)- Cote D’ Ivoire
- Open Society Justice Initiative- Nigeria
- Prison Rehabilitation & Welfare (PRAWA)- Nigeria
- Rencontre Africaine pour la Defense des Droits de l’Homme (RADDHO)- Senegal
- Centre for Popular Education and Human Rights, Ghana (CEPEHRG)- Ghana
- West African Human Rights Defenders Network- Togo
- Tracy Davies Wilson- Gambia
- SRMSR DIMOL – Dignité, Face Cour d’appel Yantala Porte no 806, Centre Dimol des femmes Victimes de la fistule obstéricale á Koira kano nord additif Niamey, BP. 13874- Niger
- International Institute for Child Protection, 24 Patrice Lumbumba Drive Old Jeshwang Banjul- Gambia
- Christian Lawyers Fellowship Nigeria ,Plot 4, Algitrs st. Suite 106 1st floor Copper house Zones Wise Abuja – Nigeria
- Comité Sénégalais desDroits de l’Homme- Senegal
- Prison Watch Sierra Leone- Sierra Leone
- Regional Watch for Human Rights- Liberia
- ACAT Togo- Togo
- Amnesty International- Togo
- ASVITTO Lome- Togo
- Haden Bruno Germain M.K- Togo
- Sanvee Ohini Kwao- Togo
- Insititut des Medias pour la Democratie etles Droits de l’HommeIM2DH- Togo
- Association de Lutte Contre le Racisme l’Ethnocentrisme et le Régionalisme (ALCRER)- Benin
- L’ONG Collectif pour la Défense du Droit à l’Energie (CODDAE)- Niger
- ASP- DDH- Benin
- Tem Fuh Mbuh- Gambia
- Sakho Amy- Senegal
- Benjamin Odeh Ocholuhe- Nigeria
- Abdoulaye Ibrahima Lawal- Senegal
- Mbodji Moustapha- Senegal
- Gueye Fatoumata- Senegal
- So Abdourahmane- Senegal
- Thiam Salie- Senegal
- Thiam Fatou- Senegal
- Seck Bathor- Senegal
- Assaciation des Juristes Senegalaises- Senegal
- Amani Kuvadio Fank Arnaurd- Ivory Coast
- Diarre Bodere Maryamah- Ivory Coast
- Coulibaly Gnamien Emilienne Monique- Ivory Coast
- Djoman Agoua-Ble Christiane- Ivory Coast
- Guigui Veo Vincent- Ivory Coast
- Kouakou Bi Daghou Kevin-Ivory Coast
- ONG Bonne Action (OBA)- Ivory Coast
- ACAT Cote d’Ivoire,- Ivory Coast
- Alternative Cote d’Ivoire,- Ivory Coast
- Centre Africain pour la Prevention des Conflicts, Dakar, Senegal
- Club Union Africaine Cote d’Ivoire- Ivory Coast
- Commission Nationale des Droits de l’Homme de Cote d’Ivoire (CNDHCI)- Ivory Coast
- Niare Samake Oumou- Mali
- Hadja Tenindie Samake- Mali
- Camara Mamourou- Mali
- Sy Cisse Oumou Rita- Mali
- Boncana Hafizou- Mali
- Gundo Hammadou Amion- Mali
- MIDA(Association Malienne pour Droit International)- Mali
- Collectif CRI de Cœur- Mali
- Women in Law and Develpment in Africa- Mali
- Reseau des Journalistes de l’AMDH,- Mali
- Traore Mamadou Bakary- Mali
- Association pour le Progres et la Defense des Droits des Femmes – Mali
- AMDH( Associaiton Malienne des Droits de l’Homme- Mali
- Traore Drissa- Mali
- Toua Mamoutou- Mali
- Reseau Regional des Associations des Victimes des Evenements du Nord ( 2RAVEN)- Mali
- RODDEM (Resaus des Organisations de Defense des Droits des Enfants au Mali- Mali
- Avocats Sans Frontières Guinée ASF GUINEE- Guinée
- LJDH, Djelibougou, Immeuble Madiou- Mali
- Association des Femmes pour le Développement et la Culture de la Paix au Tchad- Tchad
- Human Rights Defenders- Sierra Leone
- LIDEJEL, et Reseau des Femmes Defenseuses- BurkinaFaso
- Femmes et Droits Humains- Mali
- Women Educators Association of Nigeria- Nigeria
- The West African Institute for Legal Aid- Gambia
- Mirabel Edozie- Nigeria
- Initiative for the promotion of Democracy of good Governance ( IPDG) – Gambia
- Oulimatou Ceesay- Gambia
- The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS) Bablock University Schools- Nigeria
- Tchad Non violence (TNV)- Tchad
- Jobateh Musa- Gambia
- Cabinet d’Avocat Helene Cisse- Senegal
- Action pour la Protection des Droits de l’homme ( APDH-CI) – Ivory Coast
- Eunice Bittor- Ghana
- Cisse Kadidia- Burkina-Faso
- Coulibaly Ramatoullahi- Mali
- Diakite Lassana- Mali
- Aminou Amadou Koundy- Niger
- Keita Diakite Saran- Mali
- Souleyman Sawadogo- Burkina-Faso
- Traore Siaka Balla- Mali
- Bouacar Sangare-Mali
- Panis Roger Kpakou-Togo
- West African Bar Association- Nigeria
Southern Africa
- Centre for Human Rights , University of Pretoria- South Africa
- Ditshwanelo, the Botswana Centre for Human Rights- Botswana
- International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) – South Africa- South Africa
- Legal Assistance Centre- Namibia
- Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe (MMPZ)- Zimbabwe
- Southern Africa Litigation Centre- South Africa
- Tarisai Mutangi- Zimbabwe
- Transparency International Zimbabwe- Zimbabwe
- Obonye Jonas- Botswana
- Wits Programme in Law, Justice and Development in Africa (University of the Witwatersrand)- South Africa
- Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe Exiles Forum- South Africa
- National Ombudsman of Namibia- Namibia
- Centre for Human Rights & Rehabilitation- Malawi
- Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP)- Malawi
- Emilia Siwingwa- South Africa
- Michelo Hansungule- South Africa
- Mandala Mambulasa- Malawi
- John Tennyson & Associates- Malawi
- Thatayotlhe Noke- Botswana
- Lloyd Kuveya- South Africa
- National Ombudsman of Namibia- Namibia
- Legolo Pinkie Relaeng- Botswana
- Centre for Human Rights & Rehabilitation- Malawi
- Kennedy Masiye- Zimbabwe
- Malawi Law Society – Malawi
- Liga Mozambicana Dos Direitos Humanos- Mozambique
- Konsewa Law Consulting- Malawi
- R Attoreneys- Swaziland
- Lawrence Chanda- Zambia
- Juliet Kalolo- Zambia
- Innocent Mulubwa- Zambia
- Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation – Zambia
- Women and Law in Southern Africa( WLSA) – Zambia
- Lindiwe Khumalo- South Africa
- Allan Ngari- South Africa
- Natural Justice – South Africa
- Fernanco Florindo Caetano- Mozambique
- Sérgio Joaquim Dique – Mozambique
Ms. Hannine Drake – Johannesburg, South Africa
- Attend General Assembly meetings.
- Attend capacity building trainings.
- Participate to researches activities and legal assistance for victims before the African Court if having the expertise.
- Assist in organizing Coalition advocacy missions, training workshops and sensitization missions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Court) for purposes of bringing awareness of the Court in different places namely national and regional, to emphasize on the ratification and declaration of Article 34(6) of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Establishment of an African Court.
- Get updated with latest Coalition activities and publications, African Union, African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of Child (ACERWC) and RECs courts and tribunals news and information as well as other regional groups relevant human rights feeds and can apply and participate to variety of opportunities and activities coming along with the feeds both legal activities, socio cultural and economic;
- Organizations members can become Executive Committee Member or Focal Point of the Coalition.